Turning on the Sun
Redeemer's solar panels begin generating electricity
1 min. read
May 14, 2012

Redeemer’s solar power facility went online this morning, allowing Redeemer to generate electricity while connected to the grid. When first activated, the system was generating approximately 60 kW, about half the designed capacity. This project has been planned for several years. The solar panel system is the last of more than 25 projects that have been funded through Industry Canada as part of KIP . Redeemer received grants for 50% of the cost of nearly $6 million worth of capital projects. The remaining costs have been covered through Redeemer’s annual capital budget and by donations. Redeemer’s solar array extends along the entire roof of the Academic Building. The long, flat design of Redeemer’s roofline, and the lack of tall buildings surrounding the campus, make it an ideal location for this technology. The $1-million, 131-kilowatt PV solar system will generate up to 150,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually, accounting for roughly 10 per cent of Redeemer’s overall energy usage. Through the provincial Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) program, the energy generated will be pumped back into the provincial power grid at a premium. That will allow Redeemer to recoup the cost of the installation within about 10 years. The life expectancy of the solar array is between 20-25 years.

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