Environmental Science

Andie Albert ’22 is enjoying success in academia through her love of the natural environment.
Dr. Kenneth Anyomi recently joined Redeemer as an assistant professor of biology. He’s a vegetation transition scholar who has experienced firsthand how life can change when God is at the centre.
Redeemer faculty members and alumni contribute to a milestone resource at the intersection of Christianity and environmental studies.
By spearheading a campus-wide composting initiative at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Justin Eisinga ’15 is able to combine his two great passions: theology and environmental...
James Cuthbert ’09 owns and operates Urban Green, a company that creates indoor gardens and green spaces in offices and homes across southern Ontario.
Redeemer's core capstone course achieves a new level of creation care by making its bee friendliness official.
As part of a year-long water quality study in Hamilton’s Chedoke Creek, student Masozi Palata is using DNA analysis to identify the source of fecal contamination in the watershed.
Through her work with A Rocha, Amila Dreise ’13 is advancing care for creation in Hamilton and Ontario at large.
The Science Research Fellowship, which allowed high school students to contribute to university-level research with Redeemer faculty, was a major success.
This summer, Redeemer continues to invest in experience-enhanced learning by offering a one-week intensive science research fellowship for high school students.
Dr. Edward Berkelaar and Dr. Darren Brouwer will monitor pollution in Hamilton watersheds with funding from a second Zylstra grant.

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