It is the beginning of a new decade, and Redeemer is already seeing many new changes pointing us to a bright future ahead.
We are pleased and excited to announce that Redeemer University is the institution’s new name! Many months of hard work have gone into making this happen. The name Redeemer University clarifies for parents, potential students and employers that this is an institution that grants university degrees.
Another exciting change is the appointment of Dr. David Zietsma to the position of provost and vice president, academic. Redeemer conducted an extensive international search for the right candidate. After receiving multiple nominations, and with prayer and careful consideration, Zietsma felt God calling him to this role. His wealth of knowledge from serving here for over 13 years in various positions will be an asset to furthering the mission of educating today’s young people with a reformed Christian worldview. His transition to this new role will begin April 1.
“The name Redeemer University clarifies for parents, potential students and employers that this is an institution that grants university degrees.”
In this issue of Resound, you can read about changes that students will soon be seeing on campus. Plans are underway to build a new residence. Renovations to the existing dorms on campus will begin this spring, with plans for completion in time for the fall semester. Fostering community here is an essential part of Redeemer’s unique learning experience. Dorm life is vibrant and lively. I experienced this first hand when Cheryl and I lived in student housing while the president’s house was being renovated. Offering this community experience to students provides an environment for them to establish supportive and lasting relationships with one another. We give God praise for enabling us to continue this aspect of Redeemer’s mission!
Please read on in this spring 2020 edition to discover what else is happening at Redeemer, and how faculty, staff and students are making an impact wherever God is leading them.